// Copyright Unpublished 2003-2013. All rights reserved under the copyright // laws by Stauder Technologies. This material may be reproduced by or for // the U.S. Government pursuant to the copyright license under the clause at // DFARS 252.227-7013. Furnished to the U.S. Government with Government // Purpose Rights as defined in DFARS 252.227-7013, and Government Rights as // defined in DFARS 252.227.7022, which take precedence over any restrictive // markings herein. // // EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION // // This document contains technical information which may require an export // control license or prior program management approval for distribution to // non-U.S. entities. Violations may invoke criminal and civil penalties. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TrackCUDEvents.h" #include "TrackEventSupport.h" #define TRACK_GET_RESPONSE_TOPIC "TrackGetResponse" #define QOS_LIBRARY_NAME "JTCWDDS_QOS" #define QOS_PROFILE_NAME_TRACKEVENTS "TrackEvents" namespace UnManagedC2PCC { TrackCUDEventsController::TrackCUDEventsController() :m_TrackEventDataReader(NULL), m_DDSSubscriber(NULL), m_bInitializedSuccessfully(false), m_bStartedSuccessfully(false), m_TrackCUDEventsListener(NULL), m_TrackEventTopic(NULL), m_TrackEventReader(NULL) { } /// /// The method Init() initializes enumeration process related DDS structures /// based on provided DDS Domain participant, publisher and subscriber which /// are created by the parent DDS Manager class-> The method creates the reader /// and writers for Track Enumeration topic-> The method returns true if all /// registrations are successfull-> If method fails, it cleans up itself and /// no additional clean up is necessary-> /// /// /// The "DDS::DomainParticipant ddsParticipant" parameter is provided by DDS Manager /// class and is the DDS entity existing per process /// /// /// The "DDS::Publisher ddsPublisher" parameter is provided by DDS Manager /// class and is the DDS entity existing per process /// /// /// The "DDS::Subscriber ddsSubscriberr" parameter is provided by DDS Manager /// class and is the DDS entity existing per process /// /// /// The error std::string& is generated if some calls to DDS fail-> The method can still return /// successful result if the error is not fatal, see method summary for details-> /// /// /// bool "true" or "false" indicating success or failure of initialization process-> /// bool TrackCUDEventsController::Init(int domainId, std::string& strError) { bool bReturn = false; DDS_DomainParticipantQos* participant_qos = new DDS_DomainParticipantQos(); DDS_ReturnCode_t retcode = DDS::DomainParticipantFactory::get_instance()->get_default_participant_qos(*participant_qos); if ( retcode == DDS_RETCODE_OK ) { participant_qos->transport_builtin.mask = DDS_TRANSPORTBUILTIN_UDPv4; participant_qos->discovery.initial_peers.length(2); const char* szOneLine = "builtin.udpv4://"; const char* szTwoLine = "builtin.udpv4://"; participant_qos->discovery.initial_peers.set_at(0, szOneLine); participant_qos->discovery.initial_peers.set_at(1, szTwoLine); m_DDSParticipant = TheParticipantFactory->create_participant( domainId, *participant_qos, NULL /* listener */, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE); if (m_DDSParticipant == NULL) { // This is a fatal error-> At this early initialization stage no clean up is necessary strError += "TrackCUDEventsController::Init - create_participant error"; } else { bReturn = CreateSubscriber(strError); if (bReturn == true) { bReturn &= SetupTrackEvemtsDataReader(strError); } } } m_bInitializedSuccessfully = bReturn; return bReturn; } bool TrackCUDEventsController::CreateSubscriber(std::string& strError) { bool bReturn = false; // Create subscriber now-> The subscription services are crucial for the client // because they are used both for command/response topics and for events // To customize subscriber QoS, one could use the method get_default_subscriber_qos() // first and then modify received QOS and call the method below with custom QOS // m_DDSSubscriber = m_DDSParticipant->create_subscriber_with_profile( // GWCLIENT_QOS_LIBRARY, DEFAULT_PROFILE, NULL /* listener */, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE); DDS_SubscriberQos qos; DDS_ReturnCode_t retcode = m_DDSParticipant->get_default_subscriber_qos(qos); if ( retcode == DDS_RETCODE_OK ) { m_DDSSubscriber = m_DDSParticipant->create_subscriber(qos, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE); if (m_DDSSubscriber == NULL) { // This is a fatal error-> Create error std::string& and clean up already created structures strError += "DDSManager::Init - create_subscriber error"; bReturn = false; } else { bReturn = true; } } return(bReturn); } bool TrackCUDEventsController::SetupTrackEvemtsDataReader(std::string& strError) { bool bResult = false; DDS_ReturnCode_t retcode; /* Register the type before creating the pTopic */ retcode = JTCWDDS::TrackCUDEventTypeSupport::register_type( m_DDSParticipant, JTCWDDS::TrackCUDEventTypeSupport::get_type_name() ); if ( retcode != DDS_RETCODE_OK ) { printf( "register_type error %d\n", retcode ); } else { //m_TrackResponseTopic = m_DDSParticipant->create_topic_with_profile( // TRACK_GET_RESPONSE_TOPIC, // JTCWDDS::TrackGetResponseTypeSupport::get_type_name(), // GWCLIENT_QOS_LIBRARY, // RESPONSE_TOPIC_PROFILE, // NULL /* listener */, // DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE ); DDS_TopicQos qos; retcode = m_DDSParticipant->get_default_topic_qos(qos); if ( retcode == DDS_RETCODE_OK ) { m_TrackEventTopic = m_DDSParticipant->create_topic( TRACK_GET_RESPONSE_TOPIC, JTCWDDS::TrackCUDEventTypeSupport::get_type_name(), qos, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE); if ( m_TrackEventTopic == NULL ) { printf( "create_topic error\n" ); } else { m_TrackCUDEventsListener = new TrackCUDEventsListener(); m_TrackEventReader = m_DDSSubscriber->create_datareader_with_profile( m_TrackEventTopic, QOS_LIBRARY_NAME, QOS_PROFILE_NAME_TRACKEVENTS, m_TrackCUDEventsListener, DDS_STATUS_MASK_ALL ); if ( m_TrackEventReader == NULL ) { printf( "create_datareader error\n" ); delete m_TrackCUDEventsListener; } else { bResult = true; } } } } return(bResult); } /// /// shutdown ends the enumeration object-> /// void TrackCUDEventsController::shutdown() { if(m_TrackEventReader != NULL) { m_DDSParticipant->delete_datareader(m_TrackEventReader); } m_DDSParticipant->delete_topic(m_TrackEventTopic); m_DDSParticipant->delete_subscriber(m_DDSSubscriber); DDS::DomainParticipantFactory::get_instance()->delete_participant(m_DDSParticipant); }//public void shutdown() } // namespace JTCWDDS