FILE: Enum_MODE.IDL //@copy /********************************************************************* //@copy * Generated from class code EnumXLAT_MODE (DCS Corp) //@copy *********************************************************************/ enum MODE_ID_Type { MODE_UNDEFINED, MODE_POWER_UP, MODE_OPERATIONAL, MODE_MAINT_DIAGNOSTICS, MODE_MAINT_RECONFIGURATION, MODE_NOT_USED }; FILE: SEED.idl #include "Enum_MODE.idl" module Seed { struct Msg { long seedval; MODE_ID_Type mt; }; }; //-[Reliability = Reliable] //-[Deadline_Duration = Infinite] //-[Durability = Transient_Local] //-[Lifespan_Duration = {3, 0}] //-[Ownership = Shared] //-[History_Depth = 1] //-[Reader_Lifecycle_Duration = Infinite] //-[Writer_Autodispose_Instances = true] FILE SEED.BAT @call vcvars32.bat @echo off set dir=%~dp0 echo dir=%dir% set idlfolder=C:/testfolder/mrap/idl echo idlfolder=%idlfolder% set code_out=%dir%dds_implementation echo code_out=%code_out% echo NDDSHOME=%NDDSHOME% set batch_script="%NDDSHOME%\bin\rtiddsgen.bat" echo batch_script=%batch_script% echo . dir %code_out% del %code_out%\*.* echo pausing after file delete pause cd %NDDSHOME%\bin" call vcvars32.bat set idlpreprocopt=-ppOption /nologo -ppOption /C -ppOption /E -ppOption /X set idlpreprocpath=-ppPath "%VCINSTALLDIR%bin\cl.exe" echo %idlpreprocpath% echo %idlpreprocopt% echo %batch_script% %idlpreprocpath% %idlpreprocopt% -d %code_out% -I %idlfolder% %idlfolder%/Enum_MODE.idl echo %batch_script% %idlpreprocpath% %idlpreprocopt% -d %code_out% -I %idlfolder% %idlfolder%/Seed.idl pause call %batch_script% %idlpreprocpath% %idlpreprocopt% -d %code_out% -I %idlfolder% %idlfolder%/Enum_MODE.idl pause call %batch_script% %idlpreprocpath% %idlpreprocopt% -d %code_out% -I %idlfolder% %idlfolder%/Seed.idl echo done rtiddsgen pause SCREEN OUTPUT (Windows CMD window Note: Line numbers 21, 54, and 81 are echo text I added to instrument RTIDDSGEN.BAT to determine the executing part of the batch command) -ppPath "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\bin\cl.exe" -ppOption /nologo -ppOption /C -ppOption /E -ppOption /X "C:\Program Files\rti_connext_dds-5.2.0\bin\rtiddsgen.bat" -ppPath "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\bin\cl.exe" -ppOption /nologo -ppOption /C -ppOption /E -ppOption /X -d C:\te stfolder\mrap\idl\dds_implementation -I C:/testfolder/mrap/idl C:/testfolder/mrap/idl/Enum_MODE.idl "C:\Program Files\rti_connext_dds-5.2.0\bin\rtiddsgen.bat" -ppPath "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\bin\cl.exe" -ppOption /nologo -ppOption /C -ppOption /E -ppOption /X -d C:\te stfolder\mrap\idl\dds_implementation -I C:/testfolder/mrap/idl C:/testfolder/mrap/idl/Seed.idl Press any key to continue . . . line 21 line 54 runRtiddsgen1=false line 81 INFO com.rti.ndds.nddsgen.Main Running rtiddsgen version 2.3.0, please wait ... INFO com.rti.ndds.nddsgen.Main Done end of batch file Press any key to continue . . . line 21 line 54 runRtiddsgen1=false line 81 INFO com.rti.ndds.nddsgen.Main Running rtiddsgen version 2.3.0, please wait ... C:\\testfolder\\mrap\\idl\\Seed.idl line 1:0 no viable alternative at character 'ï' C:\\testfolder\\mrap\\idl\\Seed.idl line 1:1 no viable alternative at character '»' C:\\testfolder\\mrap\\idl\\Seed.idl line 1:2 no viable alternative at character '¿' WARN C:\\testfolder\\mrap\\idl\\Seed.idl line 1 the usage of the '#include' directive in combination with the '-ppDisable' command-line option may lead to com pilation errors. Consider removing the '-ppDisable' command-line option. ERROR com.rti.ndds.nddsgen.Main Seed.idl line 7:6 member type 'MODE_ID_Type' not found ERROR com.rti.ndds.nddsgen.Main Fail: The file couldn't be parsed and the rawTree wasn't generated INFO com.rti.ndds.nddsgen.Main Done (failures) end of batch file done rtiddsgen Press any key to continue . . . ODD STUFF I DO NOT COMPREHEND: a. the output about "no viable alternative at character" b. With or without my use of -ppPath and -ppOption, I get the same WARN about the #include not compatible with -ppDisable but I don't use -ppDisable c. Why the MODE_ID_Type is not found, unless it derives from the earlier warning and the #include never got processed.