/******************************************************************************* (c) 2005-2014 Copyright, Real-Time Innovations, Inc. All rights reserved. RTI grants Licensee a license to use, modify, compile, and create derivative works of the Software. Licensee has the right to distribute object form only for use with RTI products. The Software is provided "as is", with no warranty of any type, including any warranty for fitness for any purpose. RTI is under no obligation to maintain or support the Software. RTI shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the software. ******************************************************************************/ /* filter.c * * This file contains the functions needed by the Custom Content Filter to work. * * See the example README.txt file for details about each of these functions. * * modification history * ------------ ------- * 21May2014,amb Example adapted for RTI Connext DDS 5.1 */ /* Custom compile data */ struct cdata { long param; int (*eval_func)(long, long); }; /* Evaluation function for 'divides' filter */ int divide_test(long sample_data, long p) { return (sample_data % p == 0); } /* Evaluation function for 'greater than' filter */ int gt_test(long sample_data, long p) { return (p > sample_data); } DDS_ReturnCode_t custom_filter_compile_function( void *filter_data, void **new_compile_data, const char *expression, const struct DDS_StringSeq *parameters, const struct DDS_TypeCode *type_code, const char *type_class_name, void *old_compile_data) { struct cdata *cd; /* First free old data, if any */ if (old_compile_data != NULL) { free(old_compile_data); } /* We expect an expression of the form "%0 %1 " * where %1 = "divides" or "greater-than" * and is an integral member of the msg structure. * * We don't actually check that has the correct typecode, * (or even that it exists!). See example Typecodes to see * how to work with typecodes. * * The compile information is a structure including the first filter * parameter (%0) and a function pointer to evaluate the sample */ /* Check form: */ if (strncmp(expression, "%0 %1 ", 6) != 0) { goto err; } if (strlen(expression) < 7) { goto err; } /* Check that we have params */ if (DDS_StringSeq_get_length(parameters) < 2) { goto err; } cd = (struct cdata *) malloc(sizeof(struct cdata)); sscanf(DDS_StringSeq_get(parameters, 0), "%ld", &cd->param); /* Establish the correct evaluation function depending on the filter */ if (strcmp(DDS_StringSeq_get(parameters, 1), "greater-than") == 0) { cd->eval_func = gt_test; } else if (strcmp(DDS_StringSeq_get(parameters, 1), "divides") == 0) { cd->eval_func = divide_test; } else { goto err; } *new_compile_data = cd; return DDS_RETCODE_OK; err: printf("CustomFilter: Unable to compile expression '%s'\n", expression); printf(" with parameters '%s' '%s'\n", DDS_StringSeq_get(parameters, 0), DDS_StringSeq_get(parameters, 1)); *new_compile_data = NULL; return DDS_RETCODE_BAD_PARAMETER; } /* Called to evaluated each sample. Will vary depending on the filter. */ DDS_Boolean custom_filter_evaluate_function( void *filter_data, void *compile_data, const void *sample, const struct DDS_FilterSampleInfo *meta_data) { struct cdata *cd; struct ccf *msg; cd = (struct cdata *) compile_data; msg = (struct ccf *) sample; if (cd->eval_func(msg->x, cd->param)) { return DDS_BOOLEAN_TRUE; } else { return DDS_BOOLEAN_FALSE; } } void custom_filter_finalize_function(void *filter_data, void *compile_data) { if (compile_data != NULL) { free(compile_data); } }