/* * (c) Copyright, Real-Time Innovations, 2021. All rights reserved. * RTI grants Licensee a license to use, modify, compile, and create derivative * works of the software solely for use with RTI Connext DDS. Licensee may * redistribute copies of the software provided that all such copies are subject * to this license. The software is provided "as is", with no warranty of any * type, including any warranty for fitness for any purpose. RTI is under no * obligation to maintain or support the software. RTI shall not be liable for * any incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability * to use the software. */ using System.Threading; using Rti.Dds.Core; using Rti.Dds.Core.Policy; using Rti.Dds.Domain; using Rti.Dds.Publication; using Rti.Dds.Topics; namespace MarketDataExample { /// /// Example application that publishes MarketDataExample.StockPrice. /// public static class StockPricePublisher { /// /// Runs the publisher example. /// public static void RunPublisher(int domainId, int sampleCount, bool useXmlConfig = true) { // A DomainParticipant allows an application to begin communicating in // a DDS domain. Typically there is one DomainParticipant per application. // DomainParticipant QoS is configured in USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml // // A participant needs to be Disposed to release middleware resources. // The 'using' keyword indicates that it will be Disposed when this // scope ends. using DomainParticipant participant = DomainParticipantFactory.Instance.CreateParticipant(domainId); // A Topic has a name and a datatype. Topic topic = participant.CreateTopic("Example market_data"); // A Publisher allows an application to create one or more DataWriters // Publisher QoS is configured in USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml Publisher publisher = participant.CreatePublisher(); DataWriterQos writerQos; if (useXmlConfig) { // Gets the default DataWriterQos defined in USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml writerQos = QosProvider.Default.GetDataWriterQos(); } else { // Creates the DataWriterQos programmatically to the same effect // as the one defined in XML. writerQos = publisher.DefaultDataWriterQos.WithMultiChannel( CreateMultiChannelQosPolicy()); } DataWriter writer = publisher.CreateDataWriter(topic, writerQos); var sample = new StockPrice(); for (int count = 0; count < sampleCount; count++) { // Update the symbol and price char symbol = (char) ('A' + (count % 26)); sample.Symbol = symbol.ToString(); sample.Price = count; writer.Write(sample); Thread.Sleep(100); } } private static MultiChannel CreateMultiChannelQosPolicy() => MultiChannel.Default.With(builder => { // The QoS policies are immutable types that can be built from an existing // value, using a "With" modifier that returns a new object with the // changes specified in this lambda function. builder.Channels.Add(CreateChannel("", "Symbol MATCH '[A-C]*'")); builder.Channels.Add(CreateChannel("", "Symbol MATCH '[D-F]*'")); builder.Channels.Add(CreateChannel("", "Symbol MATCH '[G-I]*'")); builder.Channels.Add(CreateChannel("", "Symbol MATCH '[J-L]*'")); builder.Channels.Add(CreateChannel("", "Symbol MATCH '[M-O]*'")); builder.Channels.Add(CreateChannel("", "Symbol MATCH '[P-S]*'")); builder.Channels.Add(CreateChannel("", "Symbol MATCH '[T-V]*'")); builder.Channels.Add(CreateChannel("", "Symbol MATCH '[W-Z]*'")); }); private static ChannelSettings CreateChannel(string ipAddress, string filterExpression) => ChannelSettings.Default.With(builder => { builder.MulticastSettings.Add(CreateTransportMulticastSettings(ipAddress)); builder.FilterExpression = filterExpression; builder.Priority = Priority.Undefined; }); private static TransportMulticastSettings CreateTransportMulticastSettings(string ipAddress) => TransportMulticastSettings.Default.With(builder => { builder.Transports.Clear(); // Use all available transports builder.ReceiveAddress = ipAddress; builder.ReceivePort = 0; // Port determined automatically }); } } // namespace MarketDataExample