/* WARNING: THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT MODIFY. This file was generated from version.idl using "rtiddsgen". The rtiddsgen tool is part of the RTI Connext distribution. For more information, type 'rtiddsgen -help' at a command shell or consult the RTI Connext manual. */ #ifndef version_687960494_hpp #define version_687960494_hpp #include #if (defined(RTI_WIN32) || defined (RTI_WINCE) || defined(RTI_INTIME)) && defined(NDDS_USER_DLL_EXPORT) /* If the code is building on Windows, start exporting symbols. */ #undef RTIUSERDllExport #define RTIUSERDllExport __declspec(dllexport) #endif #include "dds/domain/DomainParticipant.hpp" #include "dds/topic/TopicTraits.hpp" #include "dds/core/SafeEnumeration.hpp" #include "dds/core/String.hpp" #include "dds/core/array.hpp" #include "dds/core/vector.hpp" #include "dds/core/Optional.hpp" #include "dds/core/xtypes/DynamicType.hpp" #include "dds/core/xtypes/StructType.hpp" #include "dds/core/xtypes/UnionType.hpp" #include "dds/core/xtypes/EnumType.hpp" #include "dds/core/xtypes/AliasType.hpp" #include "rti/core/array.hpp" #include "rti/core/BoundedSequence.hpp" #include "rti/util/StreamFlagSaver.hpp" #include "rti/domain/PluginSupport.hpp" #include "rti/core/LongDouble.hpp" #include "dds/core/External.hpp" #include "rti/core/Pointer.hpp" #include "rti/topic/TopicTraits.hpp" #if (defined(RTI_WIN32) || defined (RTI_WINCE) || defined(RTI_INTIME)) && defined(NDDS_USER_DLL_EXPORT) /* If the code is building on Windows, stop exporting symbols. */ #undef RTIUSERDllExport #define RTIUSERDllExport #endif #if (defined(RTI_WIN32) || defined (RTI_WINCE) || defined(RTI_INTIME)) && defined(NDDS_USER_DLL_EXPORT) /* If the code is building on Windows, start exporting symbols. */ #undef NDDSUSERDllExport #define NDDSUSERDllExport __declspec(dllexport) #endif class NDDSUSERDllExport version { public: version(); version( uint16_t major, uint16_t minor, uint16_t patch, uint16_t build_number); #ifdef RTI_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES #ifndef RTI_CXX11_NO_IMPLICIT_MOVE_OPERATIONS version (version&&) = default; version& operator=(version&&) = default; version& operator=(const version&) = default; version(const version&) = default; #else version(version&& other_) OMG_NOEXCEPT; version& operator=(version&& other_) OMG_NOEXCEPT; #endif #endif uint16_t& major() OMG_NOEXCEPT { return m_major_; } const uint16_t& major() const OMG_NOEXCEPT { return m_major_; } void major(uint16_t value) { m_major_ = value; } uint16_t& minor() OMG_NOEXCEPT { return m_minor_; } const uint16_t& minor() const OMG_NOEXCEPT { return m_minor_; } void minor(uint16_t value) { m_minor_ = value; } uint16_t& patch() OMG_NOEXCEPT { return m_patch_; } const uint16_t& patch() const OMG_NOEXCEPT { return m_patch_; } void patch(uint16_t value) { m_patch_ = value; } uint16_t& build_number() OMG_NOEXCEPT { return m_build_number_; } const uint16_t& build_number() const OMG_NOEXCEPT { return m_build_number_; } void build_number(uint16_t value) { m_build_number_ = value; } bool operator == (const version& other_) const; bool operator != (const version& other_) const; void swap(version& other_) OMG_NOEXCEPT ; private: uint16_t m_major_; uint16_t m_minor_; uint16_t m_patch_; uint16_t m_build_number_; }; inline void swap(version& a, version& b) OMG_NOEXCEPT { a.swap(b); } NDDSUSERDllExport std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const version& sample); namespace rti { namespace flat { namespace topic { } } } namespace dds { namespace topic { template<> struct topic_type_name< version > { NDDSUSERDllExport static std::string value() { return "version"; } }; template<> struct is_topic_type< version > : public ::dds::core::true_type {}; template<> struct topic_type_support< version > { NDDSUSERDllExport static void register_type( ::dds::domain::DomainParticipant& participant, const std::string & type_name); NDDSUSERDllExport static std::vector& to_cdr_buffer( std::vector& buffer, const version& sample, ::dds::core::policy::DataRepresentationId representation = ::dds::core::policy::DataRepresentation::auto_id()); NDDSUSERDllExport static void from_cdr_buffer(version& sample, const std::vector& buffer); NDDSUSERDllExport static void reset_sample(version& sample); NDDSUSERDllExport static void allocate_sample(version& sample, int, int); static const ::rti::topic::TypePluginKind::type type_plugin_kind = ::rti::topic::TypePluginKind::STL; }; } } namespace rti { namespace topic { #ifndef NDDS_STANDALONE_TYPE template<> struct dynamic_type< version > { typedef ::dds::core::xtypes::StructType type; NDDSUSERDllExport static const ::dds::core::xtypes::StructType& get(); }; #endif template <> struct extensibility< version > { static const ::dds::core::xtypes::ExtensibilityKind::type kind = ::dds::core::xtypes::ExtensibilityKind::FINAL; }; } } #if (defined(RTI_WIN32) || defined (RTI_WINCE) || defined(RTI_INTIME)) && defined(NDDS_USER_DLL_EXPORT) /* If the code is building on Windows, stop exporting symbols. */ #undef NDDSUSERDllExport #define NDDSUSERDllExport #endif #endif // version_687960494_hpp